Am i overreacting ?!

Having a long distance relationship ?!
It never crossed my mind not even in my wildest dream.
Well ya, the day that i agreed to have this kinda relationship i was thinking that this relationship won't last more than three months. But i was all wrong, it's 28 months already. Until now, I do believe this is the benefit of being an easy going person, yea i don't really need a person whom always be there for me, meaning that i can actually meet the person whom i have relationship with. No, i don't need that. I'd like to be alone, have my own time and keep trying to be an independent girl who is able to finish many stuffs by my self. Also positively i'll learn how the length of the distance teach me to more patient and faithful.

For 28 months i know pretty well how to deal with all jealousy, anger, missing, trust and to be trusted and also faithful. Sometime i can handle it well and sometime i failed, if i may say I've failed almost all the time :( .. It's more difficult since i realize i know i can do anything that i want without him knowing whatever i'm doing here. I'm tired to struggle on those problems. I'm sick of it. Then somehow it changed. I started seeing long distance relationship in a different way. Right now i need the real one, like, when i need someone to help me with school work, someone to give me a hand with all my graduate-thesis stuff, someone whom his face always smile for me just to cheer me up, he can't really be there to help me. We've done many things to make that distance seems nothing; chatting online, video conference, video call by cell phone, texting, talking on the phone, etc. But still, meeting him in person is something very special since i can't see him everyday.

I know i should not be that selfish by wanting him to be right here beside me. There are reasons why this is happening. Yaa i know, the only thing that i still believe; it surely will be better when something so far finally gets so close to me. When will it happen ?! it'll come exactly when i can pass through all those messy things. Just let the LDR drama started :)

Temen Baru..

Ditengah-tengah proses penyelesaian thesis-ku yang ternyata baru selesai beberapa halaman, untuk kesekian kalinya aku menemukan kembali aktifitas pengalih yang jauuuh lebih menyenangkan dari pada nyelesein skripshit :D ... Nah, berhubung sekarang lagi puasa yang biasanya mengakibatkan berat badan kian berat karena agenda buka bareng yang ngga ada habisnya serta laper mata (dan laper perut) disaat berbuka yang bikin aku pengen beli semua jajanan yang ada di "Pasar Pabukoan", aku, agy si pesek menemukan aktifitas untuk menyeimbangi berat badan yang berpotensi untuk kian bertambah berat tersebut (halah). jejeeeenggg...

Hullahop warna-warni 

hiaaak !!! :D
aku menjadwalkan setiap hari untuk bermain hullahop selama kurang lebih satu jam, jam 5 - jam 6 sore atau jam 6 - jam 7 pagi. Awalnya sih keliatan seperti robot, badan kaku dan putaran hullahop yang mampu ku capai ngga lebih dari 5 putaran. Ternyata kata-kata orang barat "Practise makes Perfect" itu bener banget, setelah berminggu-minggu main hullahop konsisten dengan jadwal yang udah aku tetapkan, aku menjadi pemain hullahop yang jauuuh lebih baik, yaaah... udah nyampe ratusan, alhamdulillah :D
olrite !! puasa sih boleh puasa, laper sih boleh laper, haus sih boleh haus tapi bukan berarti lantasan ngebikin kita males gerak. Ibadah iya, olahraga iya, sehat iya dan langsingpun iya (amiiinn) :D



Lovely Twenty (two)..

Seperti semua orang di dunia, akupun punya hari lahir. 7 agustus tepatnya, setiap tanggal ini di tiap tahun usiaku bertambah yang berarti jatah hidup ku di dunia ikut seta berkurang. Ditahun ini usiaku genap 22 tahun, yah, lumayan berumur lumayan tua. I do believe i've changed, i turn to be someone different. Semakin lama aku sendiri bingung memaknai "ulang tahun" harusnya seperti apa, tapi yang jelas sabtu 7 agustus kemarin mereka semua: teman, saudara, keluarga, pacar memberi ucapan serta mengucap doa terbaik untukku yang semua itu berati satu; Happiness :)

Let's take a look days before my birthday, dimalam ulang tahunku dan beberapa hari sebelumnya aku mengalami yaah i felt just like someone who live alone, no one care of me and nobody loves me. Perasaan aneh ini kian menjadi-jadi, aku kian menutup diri, lebih memilih menghabiskan waktu sendirian di kosan, nonton sampe mataku terasa perih. Something occured, i cried after watching Chuck season 3 episode 19 (again). That night I watched it for three times and everytime i watched it my tears go down.. Well sounds stupid may be, selain chuck episode 19 ini memang episode favoritku (scene yang selalu bikin aku nangis: ketika Shaw menembak ayah chuck. No need to explain but i just think i need to make it clear), saat itu aku ngerasa ngga butuh siapa-siapa karena aku yakin kalo aku sempat cerita ke mereka, bisa dipastikan mereka hanya akan menanggapi perasaanku ini sebagai suatu hal yang berlebihan. Tapi Setelahnya aku ngerasa lega, rasanya semua yang nyesek berkurang, aku pun sedikit jadi lebih tenang dan ternyata kali ini aku cuma butuh nangis. Sedikit rasa lega dan deep down inside i want to see my family, i want my mom and my dad hug me, i want a surprise simple gift from my two little brothers, just like years ago, they gave me coldplay first album (coz i lost mine). God.. I'm so grateful for having those people around me..

Paginya, aku bangun lebih awal dan i found so many unread massages in my cell phone and my facebook wall also full of birthday wishes :)
Mereka mengirimkan ucapan selamat dan doa yang sukses bikin aku merasa haru, belum sempat ku balas satu-satu tiba-tiba My hero memanggil dan ringtone "Alert-alert !! your daddy is calling" terdengar dari handphoneku, dengan excited ku jawab panggilan itu:

Agli : "Hallo assalamualaikum bapak.."

My Hero
: "Waalaikumsalah warrohmatullah.. (bapak, Ibu, Nday, adi nyanyi bareng) "Slamat ulang tahun, Slamat ulang tahun, slamat ulang tahun agli... slamat ulang tahuuuuunn" yeeeee... selamat ulang tahun agliiii... (i guess this is adi's voice)

Ibu Tersayang
: "Cieee... ulang tauun niyeee... berapo umur sekarang yuk ?!"

: (sekuat tenaga mengeluarkan suara normal biar ngga ketahuan kalo nangis, dan gagal total) " 22 tahun bu.."

My Hero
: "Waii.. lah berumur itu, semoga umurnyo berkah yo nak"

Ibu Tersayang
: "Selamat ulang tahun dan semoga sukses dunia akhirat.. jangan bolong-bolong sholatnyo.."

Agli : "mokasih bu, pak.. Insyaallah sholat terus.."

: (setengah berteriak) agli, cepet balik yo, beli baju lebaraaaaann !! hehehe..."

Akupun ngga bisa menahan tangis, selain bahagia tangis pagi itu membuatku kembali yakin kalo aku ngga pernah sendiri, mereka selalu ingat aku, sayang dan mendoakan agar aku kian menjadi manusia yang lebih baik :)
Dan surprise dari mereka orang-orang terdekatku belum berakhir, nina one of my incredible best friend forever called and what a surprise; nina, ijong, nina's mom, dian and ai (nina's little sisters) also sing happy birthday for me :) . . . and my tears go down again :) Pagi itu aku semakin menyadari akan kado terindah dari Allah, aku dikelilingi orang-orang yang penuh kasih dan aku ngga akan pernah sendiri karena mereka selalu ada dan senantiasa mendoakanku, yaah.. kabar gembira lainnya, aku juga punya keluarga disini. I don't know how to say it : sisters, incredible best friend forever, nina-agy-ijong backpacker wannabe, or whatever it is,

Well, well, well, bersyukur akan punya orang-orang seperti mereka dan sekarang saatnya we do something fun, something to cheer me up and i can't make it without them.
Setelahnya tepat jam 9 aku, ijong dan nina beserta keluarganya meluncur ke pantai carocok painan pesisir selatan. What a coincidence, nina yang lagi dikunjungi keluarganya yang berarti kami (aku dan ijong maksudnya) harus dan wajib turut serta menemani mereka jalan-jalan. hahaha... and here we are !! at carocok beach !! really had a great time there, and for you please enjoy some photographs of us with hullahoop, banana boat and yeaa we're so happy !!!

Agli-nina-Inong with the brand new Hullahop : )

Berpose dengan kain pantai : )

WOOOW !! Hullahop in action !!

Hiaaak !! main banana boat !! seruuu :D

Semakin menegangkaaan :D

Jembatan Akar : )

Untuk semua, aku cuma bisa bilang makasih dan I am totally have no idea how to thank you all for being there for me no matter what, There's no way i'm living without you, Cause we belong together now and forever united here somehow.. And yea, You got a piece of me, and honestly.. my life would suck without YOU..

Thank You just for loving me :)

Other Side of The World

Last two days i met my uncle on facebook. Let me tell you something about him first, he's my mom's little brother, a nice person and so generous, one thing that always remind me of him : his curl hair :D and i call him Mang Senan. As usual he asked my study, when will i graduate, and you know the answer's still the same "i'm on my way to make it and keep praying for me". That day he informed me something, something that i'll never know if he didn't tell me.

"Ag, ndak kontak ci
k Mala di Inggris dak ?!"

Woow !! I'm so excited he told me so. Then i searched my cik Mala's facebook account, and gotcha !! Nurmala Malongsari. I added her and also sent a message. First, eventhough we are aunt and niece, i doubt if she's still remember me or not. Because i just met her one time in Palembang at Cik Iim's wedding party. All because we grew up in different place, i'm in Bengkulu while she's kinda career women whom travel a lot and last time i heard she's in United Kingdom.

After waiting about 3 and half hours, finally she replied my message. I'm so glad that she's still remember me and also asked some questions about my study :D Yay !! We are officially connected via facebook :D (this is why i love facebook and kinda addicted). I do enjoy her 14 photo albums and her writing (and also make me jealous). i see how's her life in Newcastle United Kingdom: Cik Mala and her husband, Cik Mala and the snow, her garden in the back yard, her veggies and chicken, perfectly all of those pictures are awesome. I wish i could be there someday, feel the snow, summer, spring, autumn and socialize with british people with their lovely accent (which is i adore so much) :)

Cik Mala and her garden at the back yard

Cik Mala and My uncle at Venice the city of water

Well, may be some of you see this post as an exaggerating story. But for me it's so special, i found one of my family who live far far away from Indonesia. All i can say to her, never forget our hometown and we are barely waiting to see her again in Indonesia. Really miss her and so many questions i would like to ask.

p.s Cik Mala, masih inget pempek lenjer dak eh ?!... :D
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