Me on December

Hello :) First of all, happy new year !! and it's 2011, new year, new day, new hopes ,wish everything be better, more beautiful and the most important thing; keep living life to the fullest :)

Well, i'm not gonna talk about new year or anything related, instead i bring a story of me at the end of December 2010. December 22, well ya it's mother's day. i know it's late to write something bout it but you know my right hand just got better few days ago. What about it ?! my right hand ?! oh it's a long story and let me tell you this in another story. But anyway , about two weeks ago i had a very happy days, let's say "i was happy to the max !!". oh God i can't believe i finally did it. i passed my graduate-thesis examination on the mother's day and for that my sincere gratitude goes upon the most valuable persons in my life for their love and support. My parents and my only two little brothers; Ibu, Bapak, Nday and Adi. They are my only reason to keep trying and be a better person, also thank you so very much for giving me uncountable spirit, love and affection when I fell down. Special for the one whom i have the relationship with for the last 35 months, you are just that kind and for sure i'll name you in my acknowledgement :D

Speaking about mother's day and my parents especially my mom, i do admit that i'm still nothing, i haven't give anything in return for everything they gave to me. Are they proud of me ?! i am not really sure bout it, but one thing for sure they are my hero. My mom and my dad didn't come from a wealthy family but they both was so very lucky to had grandpa and grandma who concerned about education much. it's like they did everything they could to support their kids with good education no matter how hard the family financial situation was. Grown up in a family like this, Mom and Dad concern alot about me and my siblings' education. My Mom is the one who always accompany us when we do our homework and they like to send us to join any courses than to buy jewelries or decorate our house. They always put education on top priority in our little family and they put aside their own needs, i know for sure they do all of that simply because they love us that much. And me as the eldest children in my family should be a good daughter and a kind sister for my little brothers, and yeaaah i'm still on my way to be a good figure for them. Can i ?! But too bad, because recently I believe that they are upset bout my education where i didn't graduate strict to the time, i'm so sorry for that mistake.. But still i really hope this happy news could heal that feeling :) ( I got A mom, dad..). For all things they did and didn't do to me, i do love them so very much. i love you mom, i love you dad more than i ever showed you. I really hope i can make you proud of me in your life time, because i do proud to be your daughter.

Happy mother's day mom..
Selamat hari Ibu, Ibuku..


Anonymous said...

Dear agy..

congratz for your thesis-examination :)

martabak manis said...

Dear you the anonymous..

thanks for stopping :)
looling forward for the other comments :D

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